No. Not having a bad lair day.

The blog is an experiment..
So, from now until the end of January 2015 I am doing an online class with WordPress..
This MOOC provides assignments unlike those I would generate.

So, be not confused.
Travel tales, NGO snooping, Fund Raising, Mayans,Sports/Arts, Worrydolls and things Asian are still the meat and potatoes, here..

In fact we are readying for the Mah Jhong Journey to San Miguel d’Allende Mexico..compining traveling, ruins and things Asian in one..But that’s February…

Let’s go.

Worry Dolls Meet the Mystic Mummy

Worry Dolls on perigrination
Worry Dolls on perigrination

ABOVE:  The Supreme Worry Doll, Mystic Mummy, performs her part during the “Meeting for Dispersing (Worries).”   The supplicants use sanctified toothpicks to smooth and re-fold the Supreme one’s garment into her Hopi vase .  The re-draping dance is accompanied by soloist’s chanting of the ceremonial Worry inventory cycle is called “Mummy wrappings”

Worry Doll Daily

The worry doll is used for psychotherapy in Guatemala instead of “Shrinks.”
This series began when, instead of listening to my worries… the little WorryDolls began to impart their history…The Mystic Mummy Cosmovision is gradually being channeled to me …WorryDolls, like their high priestess, are powered by SBUX…

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